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Tips for Managing Frozen Car Locks this Winter

Tis’ the season for icy car windows and frozen car locks. It’s starting to feel a lot colder out there and it won’t be long before the frosty mornings are upon us (if not already).

We thought we would help you avoid the frustration of having your car locks freeze and prevent the damage that can sometimes come with it.

Frozen Car

The Cause of Frozen Car Locks

During the winter, the dirt on the roads gets plastered all over our cars, resulting in us taking our cars to be washed. Whilst this gives us a sparkling, clean car, it removes the salt (sprayed onto our vehicles from the roads) which can help frost from forming when driving away with a wet car during times of low temperatures.

Also, it might make sense to use preventative methods to minimise the risk of your car locks freezing. However, if you use a lubricant that is oil-based, dirt and debris can be attracted to it, freezing your doors and locks shut.

How to Manage Frozen Car Locks

Though there’s no guarantee with any of these suggestions, we’ve put together some tips to help you prevent your car locks from freezing.

Dip your Car Key into Vaseline

Once a week, during the winter months, dip your car key into some Vaseline and then gently (do not force it) turn the key back and forth in the lock a few times.

Park Car in Garage

Whilst it’s certainly going to be cold in your garage, it’s unlikely it will be as cold as outside, particularly if there’s a wind-chill. By parking your car in a garage, you could be preventing ice from forming on it.

Spray De-icer into the Lock

If it’s too late and you’ve already gone to your car to find the locks frozen, spray some de-icer into the locks. If you don’t happen to have any to hand, you could try (safely) heating the key over a match or lighter. The warm key should then potentially melt the ice.

Use a Hairdryer

If your car locks are frozen, by using a hair dryer plugged into an extension lead (if it is raining or snowing, please do not attempt this) and aiming it at the frozen lock, you should be able to melt the ice.

If all else fails, please get in touch with your local Auto Locksmith who will be able to get you back on the road.

Auto Locksmith Assistance this Winter

Bear in mind that not only can the cold weather freeze your car locks, it can also damage car batteries. In these cases, if your car uses a key fob, you’ll need a manual key to get into your car. Alternatively, that’s where we can help!

For all of your winter Auto Locksmith requirements, please ​get in touch​ with us here at County Auto Keys.

1 comment

1 comentario

21 dic 2019

In winter many car locks get freeze and tough to open , only emergency locksmiths can help at that time by their special equipment and skills to open specific locks.

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