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Tips to Avoid Losing your Car Keys

Losing your car keys can be, well, rather annoying. Particularly when you might need to get somewhere quickly or urgently. Whilst you can never forward-plan for when you might lose your car keys, there are some things you can do to prevent or help the situation, as well as avoid unnecessary expenses.

Here are our top tips to prevent losing your car keys and therefore wasting time searching for them...

Get a Spare Key

First, and most importantly, you should ensure you have a spare car key accessible. Cars when bought brand new will almost certainly come with a spare, but this isn’t always said of the second-hand car market.

By keeping a spare key in a safe place or with a trusted friend or family member, you can ensure you always have a back-up plan.

If you haven’t got a spare car key, we can help you get one here at County Auto Keys.

Give your Car Keys a Designated Home

Believe it or not, clutter in the home is one of the main reasons why people lose their car keys and other items such as purses. We tend to lead such busy lives, that we might not always have time to do such simple, yet important things.

Those simple, yet important things include finding homes within your home for items such as your car keys, phones and purses. Particularly those items that might be expensive to replace. Once you’ve found a home for them, communicate it with other members within your household to ensure everyone knows (but obviously don’t communicate that outside of the household) e.g. a drawer in your kitchen.

Invest in a Car Key Finder

It’s amazing what technology can do today. They’ve been around for quite a while, but if you haven’t yet invested in a car key finder, now is the time to do so. A GPS key finder will enable you to find lost car keys (or anything else you attach it to) on a map, or by following the sound of a ring if the item is nearby.

Auto Locksmith in South Wales and Bristol

Generally, if you have misplaced your car keys, take a moment to sit down and breathe to help you get into the right state of mind. It’s only natural you might panic in such event, but calming down and going over your movements could help.

If you find yourself with a lost car key, just remember that there are auto locksmiths, only a phone call away, who can help you gain a new one.

If you’re in the South Wales or Bristol area and need a spare or replacement car key, please get in touch.

1 comment

1 Comment

Jan 03, 2020

If you lost your residential or vehicle keys, don't worry about it. Always hire licensed or skilled locksmiths to deal with such type of issue.!4m2!3m1!1s0x48761166e989c8d3:0x4004e38931e41af0?

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