Customers losing car keys is something that we deal with on a daily basis, but as technology advances and things change over time, it’s important that auto locksmiths like ourselves stay on top of these changes. Sometimes, customers can play a part in helping us gather the vital information we need to get the job done, such as a key number.

What is a key number and how does it help?
A key number represents the exact combination needed for an auto locksmith to work out which bits to cut off when creating a new key.
We have nifty, state-of-the-art key cutting machines that create new car keys in just a few minutes using the key number, which is why it’s rather handy to have. This number provides information about the inside of your car lock without the need to take it all apart.
If we don’t have the key number to hand, we have tools which can measure the lock there and then.
Keyless remote cars also have key numbers that are required in order for an auto locksmith to program a new one.
Where can I find my key number?
Where you find your key number depends on the make and model of your vehicle. It used to be stamped on the lock, which is extremely useful when and if car keys had been lost. Nowadays, with the advance in ignitions and locks, the process is a little trickier.
For example, if you have a Ford the key number is often on a black tag handed to you if buying a new vehicle. A version of this is meant to be kept with the dealership, but this doesn’t always happen!
It’s worth noting that some dealerships such as Audi and Seat aren’t allowed access to certain data, meaning an experienced auto locksmith will need to handle the situation for you. Some auto locksmiths take locks apart, but this can take time. Instead, we have tools that measure the lock on the job, so that we can solve the problem as quickly as possible.
Reliable South Wales Auto Locksmith
To receive the best quality service, it’s important to instruct an auto locksmith that has the right experience and qualifications. We pride ourselves on our services and getting our customers back on the road as quickly as we can.
For all of your car key and lock requirements, please get in touch!